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AO v7.1 Upgrade Training
(AO v7.1 Upgrade Training)

Welcome to Alteer Office v7.1 Upgrade Training!

You must complete the course in order to satisfy your upgrade training requirement and receive your Alteer Office upgrade.

There are downloadable study aids that contain important information. Please download all documents before proceeding to the videos.

When you have finished watching the videos please complete the quiz, which includes questions about Alteer Office v7.1 functionality and about your experience with this upgrade training. You must submit the Training Acknowledgement Form in order to satisfy your practice's upgrade training requirement; it also lets us know that you are ready for your upgrade.

The following videos cover new functionality included in Alteer Office v7.1. Clients currently using v7.0 or lower must take this course. The v7.1 course is divided into four sections; total runtime for all sections is approximately 23 minutes. Please watch each section in succession, beginning with Section 1.

Duration: 23 minutes

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